Great2Work & Great2Grow to close end March

Important Update: Closure of Great2Work and Great2Grow on 31 March 2023

 We have some sad news to announce regarding Great2Work and Great2Grow.

The recent economic landscape is proving to be extremely challenging for many start-ups and small businesses. And this is the case for us at Great2.

Despite growing through the pandemic, the continuing cost-of-living crisis and rising utility costs have had a significant and detrimental impact on our financial situation. Understandably, people and companies are more cautious about spending and are actively reducing their costs. We’ve seen our clients cut back on spending at a time when our costs have sharply risen.

Unfortunately, we believe the situation will continue for the foreseeable future, making our current business model no longer feasible. Considering this, we’ve come to a very difficult decision to significantly scale back Great2 to landlord status.

This means that Friday 31 March 2023 will be the last day for Great2Work and Great2Grow.

We are deeply sad to have come to this decision as it impacts our brilliant team, members, clients, and partners who have supported us over the last three years.

If you have any questions, please get in touch via


Andy Ball

Andy is our CEO. His long-held ambition is to build companies that have a positive impact on the world. After working for some of the world’s biggest software companies and consultancies, Andy has spent the last 12 years building businesses across the East Midlands and is Love Chesterfield’s “Entrepreneur of the Year” 2022.


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