Great2 Meet You: Alyce

Get to know the Great2 team and what makes them tick. We’ve asked each team member a few questions about what they do at Great2 and why. We hope you enjoy getting to know the team!

Next up in this blog series is Alyce Dart, our HR Admin Assistant.

What do you do at Great2?

I deal with any HR related issues, for example: company schemes and benefits, onboarding and off-boarding, contract changes, assisting and supporting with payroll, running the HR system for Great2 and our clients.

I also support Hannah, our Front of House - helping with planning and running company events, being a friendly face in the office where members and co-workers can come to with any queries.

I am also a first aider and fire marshall.

Why do you choose to work at Great2?

I have always been part of well established companies, but the idea of a company building itself up was very appealing to me - and I’m glad I took the opportunity given to me.

The Great2 Team are brilliant, I’ve had the best support and help since starting in March 2022.

There have been a lot of new challenges in the role but with the help of the Great2 team I have always had the answer and been able to overcome any issues that have arisen.

Great2 as a company is very forward-thinking and passionate about growth - there is always something new around the corner and being a part of that growth is something I am proud of.

What do you enjoy most?

The variation of the job, one day I can have my head fully down for the entire day doing data entry the next I can be setting up an office full of screens! There is always something different happening at the Great2 office!

What are your tips for a great work-life balance?

Find a job that you love and where you get a feeling of accomplishment (easier said than done though!!). Try not to take work home with you. Even though I love the job I have now, I still try and leave work at work so I can switch off at home.

Feel free to connect with Alyce on LinkedIn.

Great2 Marketing Team

The Great2 Marketing Team is a small but mighty team of marketers. Contact us on


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