Ye Olde Christmas Reading List

It’s not long now until we get a bit of time off for the Christmas holidays. We will be opening Great2Work for a few days between the bank holidays but generally, we like to ensure the majority of the team get some rest and relaxation around this time of the year.

If you’re looking for some reading inspiration, read on! Hear from our founders on their book lists for the festive period.

Pipa picks:

In between wrapping presents and cooking for endless meals for friends and family, I will - hopefully - get around to reading some of the books I’ve bought over the last couple of months.”

“The Power of Giants” by John Amaechi OBE

I’ve followed John on social media for quite a while - he’s a very wise and inspiring person. A former professional basketball player turned organisational psychologist, executive coach, and founder of consulting company APS, he writes about leadership, anti-racism and is an advocate for LGBTQIA+ rights. I bought his book after hearing him talk about in on Instagram (ahh the power of social media!). Here’s a review from Blinkist:

“The Promises of Giants (2021) offers a series of strategies that will transform you into an extraordinary leader. Regardless of what you do or where you are on your career journey, this series of practical tips will expedite your success while empowering those around you.”

“Energize: Make the Most of Every Moment” by Simon Alexander Ong

Another book I found through social media, this time on LinkedIn. Written by award-winning life coach Simon Alexander Ong, Energize introduces you to the art and science of energy management.

I’m always on the go, juggling many responsibilities, so I’m looking forward to learning how to work with my ‘natural energy resources to recognise my most energised state - when to push and when to recoup - so that I can work sustainably towards my biggest goals.’ Should set me up nicely for a great 2023!

“101 Essays that will Change the way You Think” by Brianna Wiest

I’ve already dipped in to this book a little. It’s a compilation of writings on why you should pursue purpose over passion. And, yes, I came across her first on Instagram!

Lastly, a book I’ve read recently and highly recommend:

“Closer Apart” by John Monks & Lizzie Shupak

I used to work with John and Lizzie so I know, first-hand, how smart they are. This book is brilliant - as is the workshops they run on facilitating hybrid and remote workshops. If you are looking at how to improve your hybrid meetings and ensure everyone gets a chance to contribute and collaborate - you need this book!

Andy’s picks:

Well, this Christmas is going to be slightly different to others, mainly because I am having some major knee surgery in mid-December and I am being forced to slow down and take it easy over the festive period. So, hopefully, this will give me the time and space to get through a couple of books from the reading list.

“There Is No Planet B” by Mike Berners-Lee

The reason for putting this top of my list is quite simple - the last couple of years have been crazy; COVID, climate change accelerating, an energy crisis… the list goes on. So, spending a bit of time thinking about small changes that I can adopt in 2023 (be it in my personal life or in the businesses I am involved) with seems sensible. We all need to be a part of the solution, so even if I come away with just one or two small changes then it will help.

Could you imagine if we all made a similar commitment, adopting one or two new habits that result in a positive impact on our communities, the change could be HUGE!. So, watch this space, I will keep you posted on what I come up with.

”The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry” by John Mark Comer

Like most business leaders, it is rare that my To-Do list is shorter at the end of the day compared to the start. In order to fix this, the answer can not be working harder or longer. I am doing both of these things already. The answer has to be doing life differently. So, I am hoping Mr Comer’s book will give me a bit of inspiration to ensure that 2023 is calmer, more focused and purposeful.

“The Museum of Ordinary People” by Mike Gayle

Not all reading has to be work and productivity-focused, it can be for enjoyment. And, I am a firm believer that nothing beats a good novel. For me, Mike Gayle is a master at word-smithing an easy-to-read, laugh-out-loud one minute and dare I spill a tear the next. So, I do plan to grab a couple of hours by the wood burner, with a wee dram of Scotland’s finest and enjoy Mr Gayle’s latest novel

Hopefully that provides some inspiration for your own Christmas Reading List! We’d love to hear from you if you have any excellent book recommendations.

Happy reading!

Andy & Pipa

Great2 Marketing Team

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