Great2 Meet You: Lynne

Get to know the Great2 team and what makes them tick. We’ve asked each team member a few questions about what they do at Great2 and why. We hope you enjoy getting to know the team!

Next up in this blog series is Lynne Pope, our Social Media & Content Specialist.

What do you do at Great2?

My role is to create engaging content manage the social media activity for Great2 and our clients.

I create social media strategy and plans as well as scheduling posts and analysing the success across all social platforms. When I’m not doing that, I’m creating marketing content and working on the wider marketing activities of Great2.

Why do you choose to work at Great2?

I chose to work for Great2 because I liked the Giving Back values where we support the growth of local small businesses as well as working with local charities.

Great2 also puts on many coworking community events to boost the wellbeing of its staff and members.

I enjoy the flexible working and the “people-first” ethos. The Great2 team is full of lovely, talented people and I feel lucky to work with them every day!

What do you enjoy most?

My days in the office are the best. I get to catch up with the team, meet new coworking members and attend some of the free coworking events such as yoga, Trough Tuesday and our Friday socials.

What are your tips for a great work-life balance?

Frequent breaks! Each time I finish a piece of work I walk away from my laptop and get a drink, stretch and walk around the garden or hang the washing outside. It is so important for your health to move around frequently throughout the day.

Feel free to connect with Lynne on LinkedIn.

Great2 Marketing Team

The Great2 Marketing Team is a small but mighty team of marketers. Contact us on


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